A Little Goes a Long Way!

8-12 March 2021


Greetings from Zimbabwe!


One year ago, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic—and in the months that followed, the coronavirus impacted each and every one of us more than we could have imagined, bringing the safari industry to a halt along with the vital bed night levies that power the Foundation.

For Zimbabwe, the pandemic brought the shutdown of tourism and tourism-dependent jobs, which brought income to many. Thanks to your generosity, African Bush Camps Foundation was able to continue providing vital support of empowering 8 vulnerable and orphaned students through their high school and university studies. The inspirational outpouring of compassion from donors like you and the development of vaccines bring hope for 2021, but there will still be many challenges ahead. 

Donate NowYour Money Goes Further

Little by Little, through GlobalGiving, provides another opportunity to get involved with our world-changing work.

We know that this year has been difficult for us all—but if you’re able to give, you’ll help change the lives of these 8 students. When you donate today, GlobalGiving will match your donation of up to $50 at %50 for their Little by Little campaign.

What’s more, is if you set up a monthly donation set up during this week will be eligible for both matches: the immediate 50% Little by Little match (up to $50) and a onetime 100% match (up to $200) as long as the new monthly donation remains active for a minimum of four payments.

What Matters to us is their Futures

At the African Bush Camps Foundation, we work on three pillars that we feel can make the biggest long term impact: Education, community empowerment and conservation. And we’re proud to partake in the Little By Little Campaign hosted by Global Giving this year, with a project that has a very special place in our heart: “Empower Young Zimbabweans through Higher Education

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Families from the Hwange Main Camp and Mambanje communities in Zimbabwe that care for vulnerable or orphaned children often struggle financially and are unable to pay for their education. Children also often drop out of school early because their help is needed to run the family homestead. Young girls are often expected to assist with traditional household roles of looking after their younger siblings, fetching water and cooking.

Without the resources to attend school, the level of education within the community cannot improve, limiting the children’s opportunities later in life and the skills to support themselves and their own families one day. This can lead to devastating and desperate acts such as poaching to survive.

The Solution

The Foundation has collaborated with the communities and set up scholarship programmes for High School and Tertiary students. Those who are dedicated to their schooling and most vulnerable of dropping out of school completely are supported with High School Scholarships at boarding schools which offer the best quality of education available through a conducive learning environment with fewer distractions and highly qualified teachers. The High School Scholarship students who qualify for University are supported throughout their studies.

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Cuthbert – Our First University Student

Currently, we support 8 students in high school, with a further four students waiting to start university this year and three are continuing with their university degrees. Cuthbert Tshuma who is the first student from his rural community to pass high school and start university is on his last year attachment before attaining his degree in Development Studies and you may remember his story here:

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Help Us!

Your donation makes a really big difference, and by supporting Global Giving’s Little by little campaign between the 8th – 12th March 2021, we can join hands to give these students the opportunity to continue being the leaders and inspiration that they are in their communities 

Give + get matched now: Donate $25 OR Donate $25 Monthly

Words can’t express how much this means to our team and to the lives of these kids. Thank you for your generosity!


With gratitude,

Sophia and the African Bush Camps Foundation Team