According to Action Against Hunger, over the past 3 years, the population of undernourished people has grown to as many as 150 million people and nearly 10% of the world’s population is affected by hunger.
We have seen the devastating impact of hunger at our schools daily, with many of our learners missing school, coming to school on an empty stomach and travelling over 20 km on foot to school. Learning, focusing and concentration is severely impacted as many of them are hungry.
The African Bush Camps Foundation has feeding programs running in schools in Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Botswana. Our feeding programs are providing daily meals to learners to help them perform better in school, and we have served over 8000 meals in 2022.
Reviving our feeding programs post the Covid-19 has been one of the greatest highlights for us as a foundation as we have seen first-hand the tremendous benefit that this program has added to our schools, the learners, and the teachers. Our schools are at maximum attendance when the feeding programs are running in comparison to the low attendance we saw during Covid when the feeding programs were closed. Learners coming from poorer households are also more encouraged to come to school as that may be the only meal they eat that day. Our teachers are also more motivated and energized to teach as the learners are attending class, they are fully engaged, active, participating, and understanding the material they are being taught.

The launch of the feeding program at Khwai Pre-school was an amazing experience for us as a foundation as the feeding program started to introduce nutrition meals into the diet of the pre-school learners. The drastic improvements that we saw in the overall health and digestive system of the learners was so significant, that we built additional ablution blocks at the school because the children were now having more regular bowel movements.
As a foundation, we are determined to do more this year through our feeding programs as we aim to cater 20,000 meals for 2023.
This year we are running a feeding program drive to cater 20,000 meals for 2023. For as little as 10$ a week or 50$ a month, you can help us provide 2 daily meals to learners at our schools. Sign up to be a monthly donor today and help us feed our learners.
Sign up for your first monthly donation and Global Giving will match your first donation up to $200.